Iranian Saffron, Specifications and Benefits


Buy original saffron from FGS

Saffron has long been one of the most widely used spices in Iranian homes, which gives the food a pleasant taste and also its seductive smell, indicating genuine Iranian food; Of course, provided that original saffron is selected. Today, due to the existence of various intermediaries, access to the original saffron may face difficulties and profiteers may provide counterfeit saffron to customers; Therefore, in order to experience the purchase of original saffron, direct purchase from the farmer is recommended and FGS will help you in this way.

What are the benefits of saffron?

Saffron, this valuable substance, in addition to coloring and glazing food and flavoring it, has many health properties. So that these properties surpass the general properties of saffron and are often used today because of these benefits.

Create peace

One of the properties of saffron consumption is reducing stress and creating relaxation. This substance has a warm nature and improves the function of the nervous system.

Anti-cancer properties

Cancer is caused by the presence of free radicals in the body. Due to its antioxidant properties, saffron protects the body against these radicals and neutralizes them.

Energy producer

If the body controls the metabolism of fats and glucose, the body’s metabolism will improve; In other words, by reducing fat metabolism and increasing glucose metabolism, it increases energy and prevents diabetes. To improve the body’s metabolism, saffron can do this well and become an energy source.

Skin lightening

If you want to have skin without pimples and blemishes, buy and consume original saffron. Saffron is rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids and carotenoids. These antioxidants play an important role in maintaining collagen, one of the most important factors in skin health; So it is better to buy saffron on the shopping list instead of buying chemicals to protect the skin.

Saffron, an antidepressant

By producing and regulating serotonin, the body prevents depression. Saffron is a natural medicine and contains serotonin; So it is better to use the natural type instead of chemical products.


Saffron contains substances such as safranal, crocetin, and crocin, which improve the function of brain cells and prevent damage to them. Despite such rich substances in saffron, by consuming this spice, a person improves his long-term memory; As a result, disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are largely prevented.

Strengthen the bones

The saffron plant grows well in soils that are high in calcium, and this property causes saffron to contain minerals that help increase calcium absorption in the body. On the other hand, saffron is rich in calcium and when it enters the body, it responds to a person’s need for calcium; As a result, saffron is an important ingredient for strengthening bones.

A solution to identify the original saffron

There are several ways to easily distinguish genuine saffron from counterfeit one. Saffron should be dark in color, and if you buy saffron that is not crimson in color, be somewhat skeptical of its counterfeiting. Contrary to popular belief that original saffron should be dyed quickly, first-class saffron takes about half an hour to color.

If saffron is genuine, it should have a pungent odor; So trust your sense of smell when shopping. Keep in mind that the taste of the original product is never sweet and in fact, has no special taste. Also, the appearance of the saffron you bought is proof that it is genuine or counterfeit. In this way, the original saffron is multi-branched or horn-shaped in the heads, and in contrast, the counterfeit saffron in the head does not become multi-branched and is single-branched.

With all this said, people may be confused about recognizing the authenticity of saffron. If you buy directly from the farmer who grows saffron, there is no doubt that it is genuine; Because there are no intermediaries, and saffron is not passed between different people. FGS has also provided the possibility of buying saffron directly from the producer in order to get first-class saffron.

FGS; Direct purchase of saffron from the manufacturer

The valuable saffron plant has long been associated with our Iranian table, and the unique properties of this substance in eliminating depression and Alzheimer’s and increasing the level of happiness in the body, show the need to use this red gold more than before. When using saffron, one must be sure of its authenticity. There are many collections in this field and FGS is one of the startups that provide the original materials to its customers by leaving out the intermediaries. Buying pistachios, buying dates, and buying dried fruits and nuts are some of the things that FGS has made possible by offering a reasonable price. This company sells original saffron with the titles of Sargol, Negin, Dokhtar Pich in 1, 2, 3, and 5 weight weights with 24-hour support.

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